Rowlett Public
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Rowlett Public Library is moving!
The Library will be closed the month of May and will
Reopen June 1 at 5702 Rowlett Road
(Rowlett Professional Plaza)
To make room for the Village of Rowlett! This major expansion project will bring many new economic opportunities for the City of Rowlett. Once the Village has been built, the Library will return to its present location as one of the Village’s prime properties
How can I?
Contact the Library…
(972) 412-6161
Return my materials…
You can return your materials at the Rowlett
Commnity Centre
(No fines will accrue while the Library is closed)
Take my children to Story Time & attend Family Saturday programs?
Programs during the month of May will be held at the
Rowlett Community Centre
5300 Main Street,
Rowlett, TX 75088